
Thursday, June 7, 2018

Dare to be Different!

Hi friends,

One of my favourite verses of scripture is Romans 12:2:

"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind."

There is so much to meditate on in this one verse! When I've illustrated this in the past, I've used a butterfly image because the word 'transformed' comes from the word 'metamorphosis' and the caterpillar being transformed into a butterfly is such a perfect image of what happens to us when we allow God to transform us as we renew our minds in and through His Word. On this occasion though, I focused on the first part of this verse: do not conform to the pattern of this world.

In today's world it is all too easy to conform to the pattern of the world around us without even knowing it. Whether it is through advertising, social media, education or peer pressure there are so many ways the world's system tries to make us conform to its image. I don't know about you, but it is just so much easier to 'fit in' than to be different and stand out from everyone else! But that's what we are called to do as followers of Christ. We are called to be non-conformists. That doesn't mean being difficult or contrary for the sake of it, but choosing to allow God's Word to shape and transform us, rather than being controlled and conformed by the beliefs and practices of the world. This is one of the reasons why Christian community is so important. We need to be around others who are also being transformed by Christ so that we can give and receive encouragement as we resist the conformity that the world demands.

When I saw this fabulous Be a Flamingo set I knew I wanted to illustrate this verse with it! I love the variety of words that can be combined to make different statements, and that flamingo standing tall is just perfect for this important truth. The background to this page was created using my Gel Press plate, stencils and bubble wrap (so much fun!) then I stamped the text and images over the top with Stazon ink, colouring the flamingo with watercolours.

May we be people who dare to stand out and be different as we are transformed by the renewing of our minds through the Word of God. May we resist the world's attempts to conform us to its pattern. And may we encourage one another as we continue this journey of transformation.

x Amy x

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