
Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Close to God

Close To God

Hey guys!  Deeds here, just sharing a bit of my "creative worship" heart with you!
Also, have you SEEN the new release from Sweet 'n' Sassy Stamps for the month of June??  It's so precious, especially since this month gives me the chance to work with the male version of May's release, "girl power." YIPPEE!🙌
Pictured: Brotherly Love, Outline Script Alpha,
& Texture Tile 2 Stamps.

"Brotherly Love" is quite versatile, as you've probably seen; the team has been posting on IG and Facebook.  So many things are available with this stamp set, and the others that came out June 1st!!  Today, I'm using "BrotherlyLove," "Texture Tile 2," & "Outline Script Alpha," from the June release, as well as "Skinny Caps Alpha," and the "Bitty Minnie Alpha," set from May.  
I stamped the distress inks onto a stamp block and spritzed
it with a bit of water to loosen up the pigment to a
watercolor consistency.

I did this technique with several colors:
Broken China and Scattered Straw.
The process for this page was done using primarily distress inks (and oxides) to get the faded backdrop.  Then I used a texture tile from this month to give it depth and interest.  LOVE LOVE LOVE the texture tiles from June!  They're so beautiful and rich with potential!

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As I was finishing up my studies in Deuteronomy, I did a "happy/sad dance."  This book was incredibly helpful as I processed the character of God and His glory here in the beginning stages of Israel's history.  So much can be gleaned; so much was relatable as I pored over all the different relationships here.  
Specifically, I was fond of Moses' relationship with God. 
Moses was a very special individual of the Bible.  From the time Moses is born, to the time he dies, the Bible records that God was with him.  Always with him.  Close to him.  Guiding him.  Using him.  Instructing him.  Protecting him.  Disciplining him.  Associating with him.  There was definitely a sweet bond between God and Moses.  Moses took great care, though, to be so in-tuned with God and God's plan.
Having God's direct attention anyway is something that I can't really believe.  I can't think about how a higher Being like Him would be so interested in humanity.  But for sake of the argument, let's just say that God is too high, too big, too lofty, too thoughtful for us; there's no way possible for us to truly understand this type of "high," or this kind of God.  
What I DO understand is that closeness to God is a beautiful, wonderful and POSSIBLE thing through Jesus Christ!
We are absolutely, explicitly beckoned by this Big and Awesome God to join Him in intimacy.  He created man in His own image that we could reflect Him and His glory to the rest of the world.  It's not because we're something so great and fantastic.  No way.  In fact, however close Moses got to God, he was still unable to get close enough to God's true and magnificent glory.  Why?  Because Moses was a flawed and tainted with sin.  He still messed up.  He still stumbled.  He still defied the Almighty, not just once but time and time again.  However, God still reaches down to faulty humanity, uses faulty humanity, and shows His glory through faulty humanity.  God does all for His glory, and like the text says, He even buries people for His glory. 
The LORD buried him in a valley near Beth-peor in Moab,
but to this day no one knows the exact place. - Deut. 34:6

I long for this type of intimacy with God.  The kind where God walks with me through every step of my life, holding me through the tough waters, carrying me through the deserts, laying me to rest with His tender hand.  Beautiful, awesome God.  Wonderful, caring God.  Amen.

Much love,  💙💛💚
 - Deeds

IG @mrcfuldeeds2010
Youtube mrcfuldeeds

1 comment:

  1. Oh the intimacy that God and Moses had!! Such a beautiful relationship between God and is attainable! Thank you, Lord!
