
Thursday, April 26, 2018

Trust In the Lord

Happy Friday everyone! 

Yay for the weekend right?! The page I am sharing with you today is from the book of Proverbs. 

Proverbs 3:5-6
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart 
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight."

I know it's not just me that needs this reminder from time to time. It's very easy to get caught up in the problems of the world and the stress of everyday life. We try to solve all of our own problems as quickly as possible, and preferrably in an efficient manner. We need to remember that we need to put all our trust in the Lord. Only he knows what he's doing and what comes next. Wouldn't it be great though to occassionally get a little peek into our future? It would just make life sooo much easier!! But unfortunately, we can't, and that's ok! Because our Lord is powerful and he only has good things planned for us. So, if we let go of the reins, and give him control, he will point us in the right direction. It's not always easy, and yes it takes faith, but he can do amazing things when we let him!

My favorite part of this page was creating the sky! When using silhouette stamps, it gives you the opportunity to really play with the background and make it unique. For this background I used a technique shared by my friend Angeline, owner of Dots & Dust. She designs and makes her own line of watercolors! So fun! Check her out on Instagram: @dotsanddust   

I used pink and blue watercolors to lightly add color to the sky, and when the two colors bled into each other they created a beautiful purple! After that background was done, I went back over it using white acrylic (slightly watered down) to create very soft white clouds. Angeline calls them "cotton candy clouds". Once the background was complete, I used Scene Silhouettes: Trees and Scene Silhouettes: Woodland to stamp the tree and fox. And lastly; stamped my text, added a tab and some wordfetti, and done! A fairly simple and elegant watercolor page.

I hope you all have a wonderful and blessed weekend!!

Stephanie Gammon

Scene Silhouettes: Trees

Scene Silhouettes: Woodland
Seek Him

Love Your Neighbor

Teeny Alpha

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