
Saturday, April 21, 2018

Keep Each Other Believing!

But exhort one another every day, as long as it is called “today,” 
that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.  Hebrews 13:3

I listened to a small audio sermon today.  Dr. Vernon McGee sure doesn't mince words.  He comes straight to the point about most doctrinal issues and issues of the heart.
Well, today as he called me "friend" there on the old radio broadcast, my heart was broken.  Oi…I like when my heart is "touched" or "moved," but I rarely like to have it broken.  Who knew that an oldie like McGee could send convicting messages into the future!?
This portion of scripture is not just about being a "friend" to another.  It's not mainly about coming together as a church body and worshiping the Lord on a given Sunday.  It's not about visiting a local church every Easter and Christmas service.  It's not about attending a Ladies' Tea event once a year and coming away with a powerful sense of femininity.  These types of things are "touching," but something goes a bit deeper here: rest for the human soul.

Using distress inks to
add to the background
As a part of the team of Sweet 'n' Sassy Stamps, I am given this amazing chance to "vocalize" my love for Jesus, and speak of His movement in my life.  I get to use the blog as a platform to help others in their creative journey!  I love this; I feel this is a good part of my ministry!
As a part of the family of Christ, though, I'm given an even more amazing opportunity to help my sisters (and brothers, if they're reading) to encounter rest and joy in Jesus everyday, all day long! 

Prepping a background
with distress inks
and my stamping block
It's my turn to call you "friend."  And friend, as a Christian, if you are not able to find the "rest" as is promised to you once you find Jesus, the Bible says there's a heart issue of unbelief.  Unbelief of the good news that you have heard of Jesus' death and resurrection for you; unbelief of what God is capable of doing with you and for you in your life; unbelief that regardless of what you have done, Christ is your sin covering, your Mediator, your Redeemer.  Unbelief that now, as a follower of the One who died to bring you rest, you cannot live in sin. 

What does this mean for us?  Well, if you know someone who is living in sin (adultery, stealing, cheating, lying, etc.), you have a responsibility to "exhort" her/him to believe what God has done.  There is no way she/he can have a contented life or incur God's blessing while living a life of blatant disobedience.  Help them, friend!  Exhort this person - TODAY - to turn away from this hardness of heart that keeps her/him from entering the "promised land!"  

If you are the someone living in unbelief, and you are hiding in your sin, I want to exhort you, "while it is called 'today,'" to hear God's voice calling you out of your sinful lifestyle.  There is a reason why God provides the "body" of believers; we NEED others to help us, lift us up, pull us away, bring us back to the "belief" of Christ and the gospel!  Surround yourself with people that will help you pray, listen to God's voice, and be accountable! 

Today, I encourage you to face that sister-in-Christ about her sin problem.  Today, I encourage you to bless a sister-in-Christ with the chance to pray for you about your sin problem. We need to keep each other believing!  The bible says, "Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken."  Ecclesiastes 4:12
We are meant to help each other, defend each other, stand together!
Much Love,

IG: @mrcfuldeeds2010
Youtube: mrcfuldeeds

This little bundle of goodness is a promo for upcoming "goodies" 
(stamps with all the ladies you see here!!).  YAY!!

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