
Thursday, March 15, 2018

What do you see?

Hi friends,

When the people of Israel reached the edge of the Promised Land, God told them to send spies into the land to observe what was there and report back. Although these twelve men saw the same things with their physical eyes, their reports back to their people were very different. Tragically, ten of these spies saw the giants as the most significant part of the land and allowed fear to rule their response. The other two men - Caleb and Joshua - also saw the giants, but they recognised that the God who had called them to this land was more than capable of giving them the victory. They chose to look to God and His bountiful provision in this new land, rather than the obstacles that stood in front of them.

How often are we faced with the same choice? God calls us to step into a new opportunity or situation and we are faced with both amazing possibilities and daunting opposition. The question is: which one will we magnify in our sight? Others saw the giants... Caleb saw the Lord.

I watercoloured this background then added the clouds and sunrays using acrylic paint and stencils. The text was added using some of the fun new releases this month. Here are the sets I used:

I pray in whatever situation you are facing that you see with the eyes of faith the possibilities and promises God has before you, knowing that He is far bigger than any giants you may face.

x Amy x

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