
Monday, March 26, 2018

Teach Me

It's always a struggle to wake up in the morning.  Always - well, since I started having babies.  I used to be able to literally JUMP out of bed to the smell of coffee in my kitchen.  What time?  5:30AM!!!  Yes, I was an early bird, ready for coffee and bible time, and it was as clockwork as the rest of my day.  No pain.  No struggle.  The beckoning of the coffee pot as it "puttered" the last of the drops into the carafe was much stronger than my desire to hit the snooze button one...more...time...
Not anymore.  
Recently, a 4th baby boy was born to us.  Victor.  He is a sweetheart!  However, no amount of sweetness, cuteness, or mild-temperedness makes being a new mom any easier; and when it comes to quiet time at 5:30 in the morning, no amount of coffee can bring the "dead to life."  Not for this mom.
So what do we do when mornings aren't working out for intense bible study like we'd originally hoped?  How do we get to that place where we can say, "Bring it on, Monday," and know we've equipped ourselves with the Armor of God?
Listen up: God knows we are weak, and He shows us grace in the mornings and throughout the day. He knows the rough and tough nighttime routines that drain the flesh, and the heart's desire to still seek him in the Spirit.  He shows grace just by allowing us to catch up on rest, without which, if you're a mom like me, would manifest itself as the "ugly." 
He shows grace when we can't get to that bible study first thing, and grace by giving us little snippets of Himself in other ways, like an end-table devotional, or the verse of the day or a quick mini sermon  on your phone.  These may not be in-depth, per se, but they are beneficial and can sometimes be exactly what you needed to make it through today. 
The verse above was such a grace.  I woke up late, one eye unwilling to open, the other unable to focus; and after a few minutes and some cold water, I glanced at the phone and saw it: EXACTLY what I needed!  It's exactly what I carried with me through the day, and it's something that I think all moms should have tacked somewhere.  
So I "tacked' it in my bible with the stamp of the month for March, "Texture Tiles 1," and this adorable alpha stamp called, "Outline Alpha." With a couple different colors, I brought a nice and soft background in behind this graphic of penguins.  Pretty easy peasy, and so fun. :D
I love this digi-stamp from the Sweet 'n' Sassy Stamps collection.  The longing look of baby penguin to mama penguin rang something tender when I saw it.  Now it's something to remind me of how I feel when I'm so incredibly weak and I look longingly - desperately - at my God for help and instruction.  'Cuz being a mom is hard!  I constantly need the Father's guidance and without Him, I'm the Momster that I try to avoid!
Oh... grace.  God's gracious Spirit.  Wonderful grace of Jesus...
x  x  x  x
Dear Lord, will you TEACH ME!  Lord, I want to do Your will, and Your will alone.  My will doesn't hack it, and it certainly has no place in this tired mind.  Lord, I need Your gracious Spirit again today, even now, and pray that You will plant my feet on level ground.  You are my God.  YOU are my God, and YOUR will is always best!
Y'all, Psalm 143:10 is precious and could potentially stir up the soul to do wonderful things you weren't aware you were capable of, because it's God-breathed.
God breathes life; God gives life; God IS life, and we can trust Him to do amazing things through His word, even if it's on your phone app. 
Much love,
IG: @mrcfuldeeds2010

These are amazing!  Hope you're able to get your hands on them!

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