
Wednesday, March 7, 2018

His Family Banner

Love love love reading the Bible chronologically this year. It’s so fun to see the whole Bible as one great big story from beginning to end.

I just finished reading Numbers and loved the organization listed in this great book. God is such a God of order and detail.

“Then the Lord gave these instructions to Moses and Aaron: “When the Israelites set up camp, each tribe will be assigned its own area. The tribal divisions will camp beneath their family banners on all four sides of the Tabernacle, but at some distance from it.”
‭‭Numbers‬ ‭2:1-2‬ ‭NLT‬‬

It goes on to list all the tribes and their numbers and that they are to camp...under their specific places.

“In summary, the troops of Israel listed by their families totaled 603,550.”
‭‭Numbers‬ 2:32‬ ‭NLT‬‬

With over 600,000 people there had to be some order and structure!! Can you imagine them just wandering around with no idea what they were doing, or where they were going? Or who was leading whom?

Isn’t that often how we do, though? We just go about our business on our own little way, without a clue what we’re doing! Maybe that’s just me...I’m not sure.

But what I am sure of is this. God is a God of detail and instructions. He shows us how to live each day and we don’t have to wander around aimlessly doing our own thing.

I think it best if I stay under His family banner!!
Will you join me?

“So the people of Israel did everything as the Lord had commanded Moses. Each clan and family set up camp and marched under their banners exactly as the Lord had instructed them.”
‭‭Numbers‬ ‭2:34 ‭NLT‬‬


The art behind the story:

When I read these passages, I could just envision a large banner posted at each “neighborhood” camp.

I hand drew the banner in pencil first. Next, I added various watercolors in the background. Using the new Sweet 'n Sassy Skinny Minnie Alpha stamps, I stamped the word “Judah” in the banner.

After that, I stamped the houses from Love Your Neighbor several times. I added color to the houses and letters with colored pencils. Lastly I outlined the banner with a marker and added watercolor spots to add some visual texture.

Thanks for stopping by today. If you’re reading the Bible chronologically this year, leave me a note here in the comments, or send me a message on Instagram. I’d love for us to be to encourage each other to finish strong!


Gayle (Patio Ponderings)

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