
Saturday, March 31, 2018

A Wise Woman

The wise woman builds her house, 
but the foolish tears it down with her own hands. Proverbs 14:1

Happy Resurrection Day (a day early), my friends! Our Savior is alive; and we are saved!

Today I bring a page from Proverbs that compares a wise woman with a foolish woman. We all want to be the wise woman, right? I know I do. So how can we build our houses? A wise woman builds her house by the leading of the Holy Spirit: with faith, love, self-control, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, and gentleness. Hmmm, sound familiar? When we live by the Spirit, His fruit is evident in our lives and our homes! On the other hand, how can a foolish woman tear down her home? She can do it with anger, strife, resentment, control, complaints, anxiety. It can be so easy to fall into those negative behaviors. But, we, as believers, have the power of the Holy Spirit within us. Rely on His power and build your home. We have a lot of influence as women... on our husbands, our children, the world. Let's use that influence for God.

For the page, I used a stamp that's available for preorder called Holy Spirit. It's a great stamp that is perfect for Bible journaling! I also used Love Your Neighbor and watercolor crayons. I used the watercolor crayons a couple of different ways on this page. For the images, I colored them in with the crayons and then went over the color with a wet brush. That activates the color. For the sky background, I took a wet brush and took the color onto the brush from the tip of the crayon and then pounced the brush onto the page. I repeated that process until I liked the depth of color.

Rejoice in Our Resurrected Savior! Andrea 

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