
Monday, February 5, 2018

When I Rise Give Me Jesus.... and Java!

 Hey everyone! I'm Stephanie Gammon, a new member of the Creative Worship Creative Team and I am so excited to be here with you guys!! I'll be completely honest with you all, this is my first EVER blog post... period... so hang in there with me as I figure this all out 😊.

Psalm 63:1 
"You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water. " 

I'm going to be completely honest with you guys again. Before I discovered bible journaling, hardly ever did I open my bible. Sad, I know. I carried it to church when we would go, but the time in between those sat on my nightstand.....collecting dust 😔. But I am so happy and proud to say that after discovering bible journaling I have a renewed "thirst" for the Lord and scripture. I long to be in his word in some form every single day! And that is a blessing! Now, I don't have time to journal every single day, let's be real, I have two small kids at home! But what I have started doing is setting my alarm to wake up in the morning before my kids, and I start my day with God's word and a cup of coffee! That one small change has made a drastic difference in my life! I find I have a renewed attitude and disposition than if I was to just jump out of bed and hit the ground running when my kids wake me up. If I go a few days sleeping in, pushing my reading or journaling off till later because I'm "just too busy today" I find it's just as Psalm 63:1 says, "...I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you...". If you make that time for Him, each day, you will see the difference it makes when you give a part of your morning to the Lord, start it with Him, and base it around Him! 

For this page I used the newly released In The Morning stamp. This stamp is so versatile you can use it in so many ways! But for me, I actually have a teal mug with this exact phrase on it! I hand drew the books and the mug, used my awesome stamp, and then colored everything in with Prismacolor pencils. I also used left over coffee to create some coffee rings and splatters to "stain" the page. What kind of fun things can you come up with for this stamp?! Be sure to share it with us on the Creative Worship Bible Journaling Facebook Page!!

Thanks for taking to time to stop by the blog and read my first post!! I hope you all have an amazing day!



  1. Yay!! You did a great job Stephanie!! What you wrote is so true. His word truly satisfies! Beautifully illustrated, too!

  2. I just love this page! Your rendering of the mug and books is fabulous. And what a sweet description of of coming to hunger for God and His Word! Stunning page!
