A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a Branch will bear fruit. The Spirit of the Lord will rest on Him— the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of might, the Spirit of the knowledge and fear of the Lord— and He will delight in the fear of the Lord. Isaiah 11:1-3a
Dear Friends,
Merry Christmas! This is the time of year that we celebrate Christ's birth. And that takes me to a prophecy in Isaiah 11 foretelling Jesus' coming. It may sound strange to us to call Jesus a Shoot or a Branch. But I love this illustration of Jesus!
Jesse was David's father. And only when the house of David was decimated and humbled to almost nothing, like a dead stump of a once mighty tree, only then would the Messiah come bringing new life to that dead stump like a shoot or branch.
And then comes a beautiful description of Jesus- full of the Spirit in wisdom and understanding, in counsel and might, in knowledge and fear of the Lord. What a mighty King we have! Jesus brings new life to us if only we accept Him as our Savior. So, come let us adore Him. Not only during this Christmas season, but each and every day. Our beautiful Savior is worthy of our praise. Glory to Him!
For this page, I used the following Sweet n Sassy Stamps sets: Scene Silhouettes: Trees, Lynzee Script, Mini Grunge Type Alpha, and Seek Him. Scene Silhouettes: Trees is a newly released set. So many possibilities with this set! And there are some other newly and soon to be released sets that coordinate beautifully with this set. The alpha sets are also a great way to get a beautiful hand-lettered look. I highlighted some of the letters with a white Sharpie pen. And, the background was done with chalk pastels.

May your days be filled with the light and life of Christ our Savior. O come let us adore Him! Andrea
Love the softness of this one. It's just beautiful!