
Friday, November 17, 2017

So Happy!

I will give them a heart to know that I am the Lord
and they shall be my people and I will be their God, 
for they shall return to me with their whole heart.
Jeremiah 24:7

There is absolutely nothing in life that gives me more joy than my relationship with Jesus.  No one is closer to my heart, even those here on earth whom I dearly love.  I came to know Jesus at a young age so I have spent most of my life getting to more intimately know Him.  He has lavished His love upon me and has forgiven me more times than I can count.  To know Him is to love and trust Him above all.

The more I surrender to God, the more I sense His Spirit within me.  As I relinquish, I gain.  One of my most treasured ways to get to know God more deeply is to soak up His Word.  That's why I love Bible Journaling so much.  It takes me into His Word in a unique way.  Sometimes I study deeply, sometimes I read for refreshment, pleasure and encouragement.  And sometimes I search for inspirations for my art expressions.  In January I plan to begin a Bible reading schedule that will take me through the Bible in a year.  I've done this many times and I never fail to find new treasures, new perspectives on how to apply His constant truths.  I love His Word...and I love every new facet of my God  I come to know through the pages of my Bible.  But one of the most treasured promises He offers is that I am His...I belong to Him.

This passage in the New Testament book of Galatians echos the theme of belonging to God through the redemptive work of Christ.  Once we surrender to the Lordship of Jesus in our lives we become a child of the King.

Through our inheritance in Christ, we have everything we need for fulfillment, happiness and joy.  We can live confidently because we know our Father and we know He will take care of us.  We are free to enjoy His of the greatest being that His Spirit, His person, resides within our hearts.  That is a lifeline connection to our Father. 

I used the following Sweet 'n Sassy Stamp Sets:

So Happy 
(FREE with $50 purchase during November)

 Above stamps: Words of Life: Collection 2, Child of the King, and Exclamations.

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