
Sunday, September 3, 2017

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Psalm 19:1
Hi Friends!

The eclipse on August 21 definitely showed us the glory of God and the work of His hands. My pastor gave a message on the first few verses of Psalm 19, and I really liked the illustration he used. Where I live, we weren't in totality. I think it was about 94%. It didn't get that dark. My pastor pointed out that the 6% of light we had overcame the darkness. He went on to say that even if we shine only a little light of Jesus to this dark world, it will still make a difference. It opened my eyes that the small day to day gestures we make to love others are just as important as the big gestures. So shine Christ, my friends! 
  I also learned from the NASA website that the sun's diameter is 400 times wider than the moon's, but it is also 400 times farther away. The result is that the sun and the moon appear to be the same size from our perspective. So, God made the sun and the moon precisely the right sizes and set them at the right distance away from each other so that we, on earth, could be amazed. Wow, God! A show just for us, because it wouldn't be seen from anywhere else.

I used the following Sweet n Sassy stamps for this page: Chunky AlphaMini Grunge Type AlphaSing LoudRebecca Script Alpha, and The Good News.

I painted the page with watercolor crayons, made the eclipse "shine" with a white Sharpie pen, and embossed the words. (I did this in my interleaved Bible which has blank pages in between each page of Scripture. So no Scripture was covered up.)

On another note, my heart has been heavy for Texas. I was born and raised in Texas, and while I don't live there currently, it is my home and I have many family and friends there. In events like this, it can be hard to see God in the midst of it. But He is there. I'm praying for Texas and everyone affected. Thank you to those volunteers who have helped anyway they can, and to the first responders and rescue workers.

In Christ, Andrea

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