
Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Share the Good News!

And then he told them "Go into all the world and preach the good news to everyone."
NLT Mark 16:15
What's our purpose here folks? Creating more disciples of Jesus by sharing what Jesus has done for us to everyone! I really feel like there's not a lot to say about that. He tells us POINT BLANK... and if you're a rule follower you've been doing that right? (speed limits don't count!!! haha) In the grocery store...share the good news. In the hair salon...share the good news. In the Starbucks drive thru...share the good news. & Finally.. ON SOCIAL MEDIA... share the good news.
There are opportunities's up to you to take them!
It's not easy... but no one ever said being a follower of Jesus was easy.
<3 Brittany
For this page I did a fun watercolor background...I think it's one of my favorites to do!
Then I used the new Send Me stamp set to stamp all the words on! Yes... this ONE stamp set created this ENTIRE page. I didn't have to dig through my stamps to find letters or things that match... it was all on this one set. HOW CONVEINENT!!
This was a fun and easy one to do! Bible Journaling doesn't have to be so intricate that you take days or weeks to finish a page. Grab this stamp set and there's a whole "world" of ideas...see what I did there. ;)
<3 <3 Brittany

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