
Thursday, July 27, 2017

Set Free

So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, "If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." 
John 8:31-32

Our God is unchangeable. His word and truth are set. 

It's important to hold on to that truth especially when everything around us seems to be changing. I'm in a weird season right now. A season full of unknown and unclear steps. Heres the thing, I like to know what's happening next. I like to solve a problem then and there and move on. These seasons of waiting and unknown territory are scary. I'll explain further how impatient I am and how quickly I like to get to the end of things. 

I love to read. I have loved reading even before I could read. Literally, I would sit and stare at the pages and the letters trying so hard to put it all together. In fact, I am now a reading teacher. Meeting someone who doesn't like to read boggles my mind. But even though my love of reading is strong, mid-book I'm ready to jump to the end. I love the beginning of books, I love meeting the characters and all that happy stuff at the beginning. Then the plot starts to mold and my hate for any confrontation (yes I realize it's fiction but still) and hurt the characters may feel start to bug me and I'm ready to jump to the end when everything is okay again. 

Life doesn't play out like a book or a movie. We cant skim over those grey areas in our lives and jump to the end. Not knowing is scary but we don't walk this life alone. Sometimes I feel bound in my fear of the unknown, fear of losing, and fear of trusting. Do I trust God with my life? Absolutely. So why is it so hard to let go of the known and trust for the unknown? Constantly, I have to remind myself of God's truth. I have to repeat His word over my situation and in my life. 

Abide: live, dwell, remain, stay

No matter your season God is calling us to abide in him because if we do that, and if we remain his disciples, and we continue to dig our roots down deep in His truth, we will be set free. Set free of fear, anger, sadness, worry, defeat...the list goes on of the things that bind us. I don't want those things not of God to bind me. Instead, I want to be bound in His truth because in that binding, I am free. 

With love, 

Love Ya Like A Sister Alpha

Pretty Potted Flowers

1 comment:

  1. This is absolutely gorgeous, Lynzee. And I love your devotional content as well. Fabulous post! Love all your work. You are so very talented.
