
Saturday, July 22, 2017

Beautiful Feet

Hi friends,

I've been having fun creating with the new Send Me set recently and the theme of going and sharing the gospel has me thinking about my willingness and eagerness to share the good news of Jesus with others. It is so easy to come up with excuses, to think about the response we might receive, and to get so busy doing life that we neglect this vital responsibility (and privilege!). But in any other setting, would we hold back from giving good news to someone? Would we be shy, nervous or not get around to it because of busyness? Good news is something to celebrate, to shout from the rooftops, to get excited about! Maybe that's why the feet of those who bring good news are described as beautiful in Isaiah 52:7 and Romans 10:15...

Now I have to be honest, I'm not a big fan of my feet! I don't think they are beautiful at all, which is why I found it quite amusing when I chose this verse to illustrate and I had the idea of putting my footprint in my Bible! It ended up being rather fun and I felt like I was back at school putting paint on my foot (if you're planning on doing this, I recommend having a wet towel ready to take the paint off... walking to the sink with painted feet was interesting...!!). This page is a good reminder to me that even though my feet don't look very beautiful, they are made beautiful by the simple act of bringing the good news of the gospel to others.

 Here are the stamp sets I used on this page:

May we find ways of beautifying our feet through the sharing of the good news of Jesus this week!

x Amy x

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