
Thursday, June 22, 2017

The Word of the Lord

The grass withers and the flowers fade beneath the breath of the Lord. And so it is with people. The grass withers and the flowers fade, but the word of our God stands forever. 
Isaiah 40:7-8

I love flowers. Ironically enough, I can't keep a plant alive for anything. Seriously, I somehow killed a succulent. Try as I might, the green thumb is non-existent in my limbs. However, I have something much bigger alive inside of me that stands firm. I have the word of God living inside of me ready to be poured out and flourish among others. 

The word of God is alive and powerful...
Hebrews 4:12

Only His word lasts forever. Many people have come and gone preaching and hearing the Gospel. And that's just it. The people preaching and hearing will change, but the word of the Lord stands firm forever. I'm always left in awe when I'm reminded of how constant our Father is. It is the greatest comfort. 

With love,

Stamps Used: 
Mini Grunge Alpha:

Mason Jar Bouquet 

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