
Sunday, June 18, 2017

My God is Worthy!

I will bless the Lord at all times;
His praise shall be continually in my mouth.
Psalm 34:1

How many times during a single day do you find the praises of God on your lips?  What kind of words crowd out those praises?  I'm guilty.  When I think of all that God has done for me, in the world, everyday...really, there should be nothing I speak except His praises.  He is worthy enough that every breath I exhale ought to contain His praise.  Our goal should be David's declaration in Psalm 34:1.  God is certainly worthy of that much.

I tried a couple of new things with this page.  Overall I like it, but I'd change a few things next time.  First I prepped the page with clear gesso.  I didn't like doing that before, so I'm not sure why I thought I'd try it again.  There is a huge variance of opinion about prepping Bible pages.  I definitely fall on the "unprepped" side of the spectrum.  Here I wanted to do a lot of watercolor paint work...and when the page is prepped the watercolor sits on top longer.  The good part of that is that you can continue to work with it; while the negative, in my opinion, is just that the effect isn't as splashy and layered looking.  The second new thing I was to use metallic paint and inks.  I splattered gold metallic watercolor paint (Kuretake) and used a sponge to apply gold ink over a stencil.  I really liked that.  

I chose this page (Psalm 47-48) for my design because it is full of praises to the the Lord. The entire page starts with praise and ends with praise.  I thought that was symbolic of the way I want my days to be.  I want to start each day with praise on my lips and when I close my eyes, I want to whisper His praises in the still of the night.  It is my heart's desire to praise Him all day long, because He is worthy of those praises.  

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1 comment:

  1. Beautiful page and thoughts on praise, Diane! All praise and glory to our God who is worthy!
