
Thursday, March 2, 2017

Sing Praise!

 I will sing to the Lord as long as I live;
I will sing praise to my God while I have being.
May my meditations be pleasing to him
For I rejoice in the Lord. 
Psalm 104: 33-34

What a delight it is to be so in love with God that we spontaneously break out in songs of praise to Him throughout the day.  I have to confess, I'm no singer, but I do indeed make a joyful noise to the Lord.  I think He loves it!  I think there are times when I sing my praise to Him that He, true to His Word, sings over me (Zehphaniah 3:17). 

The new March release stamps from Sweet 'n Sassy stamps are some of my all time favorites.  When selecting a page design for this passage of scripture I wanted it to be bold and very colorful, playful even.  But I didn't have images in mind...I just wanted color.  So I just splotched it on!  These watercolors are a little chalky, but they are transparent enough to read the scriptures through the paint.

I did a second page with the same set using some of the smaller words, splashing on a watercolor background then stenciling and stamping over that.  

And here's a third page with still the same set but different large word stamps.  And I'm still using watercolors splashed on here too.  The stars are just hand drawn.  I love this passage of scripture too.  Not only do our songs of worship bring God praise, but every mundane task we do can bring Him glory if that's our motivation.  This is an ongoing challenge for every stay focused enough on Christ that every single thing we do brings Him glory and honor.  We would think that's impossible, and it would be were it not for Christ living in us, and with Him nothing is impossible.

One set, three completely different pages.  I love that.  And there are still stamps in the set I haven't used.

1 comment:

  1. What beauty you have created in your Bible. Mine is full of years of notes but I have never drawn anything in it. The pages in my Bible are thin - how do you prevent bleeding to the other side?
