
Thursday, March 23, 2017

His Peace

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. 
John 14:27

Peace. Oh how we need peace time and time again. Have you ever been in a situation that normally would cause stress and anxiety but felt nothing but perfect peace? Only a loving God could ever provide that much comfort in a stressful situation. 

I love how His peace simply rests within us. There are times where stress abounds around me, but not within me. Am I always at peace? No, I'm human and the things of this world do get to me at times, but its not those stressful times I remember. Instead, I remember most the times where peace filled me through and through. 

Friends, I hope you know this peace Jesus gives us and receive this beautiful gift over and over. Thank you, Jesus, for your perfect peace. 

Go out in joy and be led forth in peace.
Isaiah 55:12


I am all about florals and these peonies have to be one of my favorite stamp sets. Check them out in the following link:

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