
Monday, December 12, 2016


"Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel (which means, God with us)" 
Matthew 1:23

"Rejoice! Rejoice! Immanuel!" 

Yes, rejoice! God is with us! This is as true now as it was when Jesus was born. He is presently with us just as he was present in the stable. I love that the lyric goes on to say, "and ransom captive Israel." This is also true for us now. 

What holds you captive? Fear? Failure? Anxiety? Depression? Whatever it is, you have been ransomed. Jesus has come and paid the price for your freedom. Even more, God is with you. Immanuel.


Immanuel at school. Immanuel at work. Immanuel in the grocery store. Immanuel in every area of our lives. Let this be a reminder that no matter where you are or what you're going through, Immanuel. You have been ransomed and you have been set free. Rejoice! 

With love, 


Stamps used:
Give Praise
Shake It Off Lowercase

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful page, Lynzee! Praise the Lord…He is with us always!
