
Thursday, December 22, 2016

Adore Him

The Savior--yes, the Messiah, the Lord--has been born today 
in Bethlehem, the city of David!
Luke 2:11

Every year it seems that I have a "new favorite" Christmas song. There's always a portion of a song that God uses and captures my attention in a new way. This year it is from O Come All Ye Faithful. 

"O come let us adore Him"

to love and respect someone deeply, to worship

Jesus is so deserving of adoration. Can you imagine being the shepherds who first saw him? We ooh and ahh over newborn babies when we see them. We call them adorable and love on then, but this baby isn't just any baby. He is the King of kings, "word of the Father now in flesh appearing", and He has come to save us. 

My prayer, not just for this Christmas, but for every day, is to be completely caught up in adoration of my Savior. I want to be caught up in the wonder of His love and mercy. How about you? 

Have a blessed and Merry Christmas,


Stamps used:
Christmas Wreath

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