
Thursday, October 20, 2016

Focus on Jesus

"...He (Jesus) came to them, walking on the sea." 
Matthew 14:25 (parenthesis added by me)
"...And Peter got out of the boat, and walked on the water and came toward Jesus." Matthew 14:29

Happy Thursday, Sweet 'n Sassy Friends!

Can you imagine what it must have been like to see Jesus walking on water coming towards you? Scripture tells us in Matthew that the disciples were terrified. I bet that would have been my response too! Jesus immediately reassured them that it was Him and that they shouldn't be afraid. And then, Peter spoke up. Ya gotta love Peter! He wanted to walk on water too! Jesus told him to come, and he did- he walked on water...until he took his eyes off Jesus. Matthew 14:30 says, "But seeing the wind, he became frightened, and beginning to sink, he cried out, "Lord, save me!" (Emphasis added by me.) While Peter was focused on Jesus, he could walk on water. When he took his eyes off Jesus, he began to sink. So that's a lesson for us too!

Walking on water for us can be anything we're uncomfortable doing, anything that seems impossible, anything we've never done before. It can be a little thing or a big thing. But we can do it by focusing on Him and relying on His strength. And you know what? If we do take our eyes off Him and start to sink, He's there to keep us afloat just like He kept Peter from sinking.

The stamps primarily used for this page are being featured tomorrow! (And one of the stamps used is from a set being featured next week.) It's fun to get a sneak peek! The set is called Living Water. I love this set! There are so many verses and passages it is appropriate for. 

Focus on Him, my friends. Have a blessed week! Andrea

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