
Monday, August 22, 2016

Revive Me

{jane bosi}  Happy Monday, Sweet Friends! 

Jeremy Camp is often stuck in my head!  I love his soulful voice and the message found in his music.  "Revive Me" is one of my all time favorites and I've been dwelling on the lyrics for quite a while anticipating some time to journal in my bible.

I'm focused on the Psalms with this message.  Originally, I thought it would only be a one page entry.  So often, however, as I began my study, I found more and more that spoke straight into my heart......I was originally just reading Psalm 143, but you can see from my highlights that so much from several of the Psalms struck me.  Psalm 143, itself,  is full of a pleading that I think is reflective of a place most of us know well.  It's a quest, at least for me, for revival:

"I meditate on all that you have done
I ponder the work of your hands.
I stretch out my hands to you; my soul
thirsts for you like a parched land."

From Jeremy:
"Consider my afffliction and please deliver me
Plead my cause and redeem me
Revive me, according to your loving kindness
Revive me, that I may seek your word..."

You're singing now, aren't you?  I've had this idea implanted in my noodle since the Fill Me Up set was released a few months ago.  In addition to Fill Me Up, I also used All of Me Alpha and a bunch of different distress inks.  It felt good to journal again after a bunch of busy and stressful weeks.....reviving even :)

Be Awesome!  Jane

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