
Thursday, March 24, 2016

I'm not sure I'll be able to dry these tears.

Ever have one of those days where it seems nothing is going right, you've made a few missteps and then on top of it all the other shoe seems to drop?  These type of days used to bring me to tears, then to my pajamas & finally, to my couch for days.  Well ladies & gentlemen, I had one of these days yesterday- the difference is, rather than hitting the couch, I hit the Bible!

This week my kiddos are on Spring Break and in all honesty my days are just running together.  I mistakenly put my blog due date for next week and woke up in a panic when I realized yesterday was, in fact, my due date (the first shoe to drop).  Thankfully, Korin, being the amazing person she is- said no biggie go ahead and post tomorrow.  (Again, so humbled and honored to be a part of her team.)  Fast forward to the end of my day (and the proverbial 2nd shoe dropping):
As a mom of tween/teen girls, I keep very close tabs on their phones and social media happenings.  I CAN, WILL and DO at ANY TIME  pick up my kid's phones and go through them.  (As much privacy as I'd like to think they can be responsible for, I know they are children and need a 2nd set of eyes on what they are doing.)  We all make mistakes and it is my job to help them when this happens.  I digress...  While going through my 11 year old daughter's phone I found some pretty disturbing/ mean texts from a couple girls that are very good friend's of my daughter's.  When I asked Brenna what was going on with these messages she simply stated that she has been left out lately, is hurting and pretty upset about it.  She was told that she is not being included because she is not going to the same Jr. High school as the other girls and that these girls are wanting to get to know each other better- this no longer includes Brenna.  UGH- talk about a knife to my heart.  What is even more sad about this situation is this; I was asked by one of these moms to help her out so her daughter isn't home alone during break, due to her being out of town.  What has since happened, is her daughter "picking & choosing" who is helping her mom out, she is deciding who she would like to "hang" with.  This obviously doesn't include our family and our daughter. 

These two events really got me thinking- how can I become a person that can take a crummy day and situation like this and try and make the most of it.  How can I dry the tears of my 11 year old and lead by example, reassuring her things may be hard now but they won't be forever.  I used to be the example of letting it destroy me, stress me out and have anxiety over it for days.  I no longer wanted to be this person or this example to my daughter.  I want to teach her there is somewhere she can go to be uplifted- Of course I turned to my Bible.

John 16:22
"So also you have sorrow now, but I will see you again, and your hearts will rejoice and no one will take your joy from you."

I choose Joy.  I choose to remind myself and my daughter that God is Joy and no matter what happens He and I have her back at all times.  No one can take away our Joy- no matter how deep the hurt and pain- as long as we keep God in the forefront of our lives.  Personally, I have to remind myself that in God I can find all the joy, love, inspiration, support, wisdom, encouragement and words I need to get through times of sorrow.  I dedicate this page to my daughter Brenna.  Just like looking at her, when I look at this page it makes me smile and full of Joy!

This page was created using Creative Worship "Note This" by Rebecca Rios (will be available tomorrow-).

I also used flowers from the Free Printable to make my tab and add some dimension to the page. 
The flowers in the margin were hand drawn and water colored.  (I created this page during a live Periscope @Jamie_Journals and it can be viewed for a few more hours.  If you miss it- all of my Periscope replays can be viewed on

As always, thank you for taking the time to read this blog- spending time getting to know me and letting me share with you this journey I am on.  It is definitely a marathon not a sprint!

Love, light and blessings!

Jamie McNamara
Instagram: @JamieJournals
Periscope: @Jamie_Journals


  1. Jamie, This is the most beautiful post I have ever read so far. I love how transparent you in presenting this conflict. I LOVE you intentionally chose JOY. I love how you consciously set an example to your daughter by going to The Word of God. It is so evident that the HOLY SPIRIT lead you to the perfect bible verse for this particular situation that was weighing in your heart. You are a good mother, Jamie! I hope and pray my little and I will have the same "Mommy & Me" relationship as you do with your daughters. The close relationship with your dsughters is beautiful. PRAISE GOD for that. God will provide answers to your prayers and concern because you are Trusting in HIS direction and leaning on HIS WORD. Thank you so much for this post! It's awesome to meet people like you through social media! Continue in your faithfulness in CHRIST!

  2. Jamie, This is the most beautiful post I have ever read so far. I love how transparent you in presenting this conflict. I LOVE you intentionally chose JOY. I love how you consciously set an example to your daughter by going to The Word of God. It is so evident that the HOLY SPIRIT lead you to the perfect bible verse for this particular situation that was weighing in your heart. You are a good mother, Jamie! I hope and pray my little and I will have the same "Mommy & Me" relationship as you do with your daughters. The close relationship with your dsughters is beautiful. PRAISE GOD for that. God will provide answers to your prayers and concern because you are Trusting in HIS direction and leaning on HIS WORD. Thank you so much for this post! It's awesome to meet people like you through social media! Continue in your faithfulness in CHRIST!

  3. It's so sad when girls go through that stuff. Both of my daughters did as well. You're a wonderful mom, today, especially, when you don't trivialize those things. Those girls will notice a difference in their lives without your daughter even if it takes time. I know you're daughter is getting the time and wisdom you have for her. Love the blog post! Hugs from me, one who has been there in both sides myself.

  4. Your page is absolutely beautiful though I'm so sorry about the reason you were prompted to create it. Teenagers can be so mean to each other and I'm so glad you are on top of things and showing her just how important she is! Way to go mom!

  5. LOVE this post, Jamie! The JOY of the Lord is my strength!
    Thank you very much! :o)
