
Thursday, October 31, 2019

God is my Confidence

"Your promise still stands, great is Your faithfulness...I'm still in Your hands. 
This is my confidence: You've never failed me yet!"  Elevation Worship, "Do it Again"

Deeds here :D

Goodness me!  The day before the new month, and we're already on a new release for Sweet n Sassy Stamps!  It's exciting to see what the designers come up with, and if you would just join me in a quick "SHOUT OUT" for all their love and efforts, that would be awesome!
I hope you were able to watch the release yesterday - it was pretty exciting!

During this time of transition from October to November, I'm sure I'm not the only one who has experienced a bit of "labor pains" of new routines or revamped schedules.  When Fall falls, we all get the sense that things are gonna change for sure.  We grow fond of our leafy decor, pumpkin patches, PSL's, foliage ventures, and fun sayings hanging above our stoked fireplaces. 
Our hearts tend hopeful as we go from a long and busy summer to a cooler, tempered autumn.  It's not easy to readjust to the new norm of activity, events, rainy days, and sick kids.  But, it's a lot easier with a cup of hot something or other and a fun, full scarf!
What I'm saying is, transition is good, interesting and sometimes difficult.  It can be helpful, awkward, or wonderful, or all three!
We've had a bit of changing around here, recently.  It's been good, bad, ugly and exciting all wrapped up into one hot mess.  Some call it, "life."
Not perfect. 
Not terrible.
I needed ALL the space to place my Charles Spurgeon notes inside this page,
so I made sure to keep the background simple with ink smooshing.

With such transitions,  I exercise my emotional "muscles" in this little world of mine - flexes from  overwhelming joy to overwhelming overwhelmed-ness.  I don't know how else to say it.
But, as one who claims the Lord Jesus as Savior, I'm learning what it means to lean.  I'm understanding a bit more of what the good Lord means by, "trust in the LORD with all of your heart."

God is gracious.  That is certain.
God is faithful.  That is forever!
Keep that in mind, Deeds.

As hindsight took a 20/20 these last couple of weeks, I came to understand - AGAIN - the working of God's character in all situations.  It hasn't been the best of 2 weeks.  In fact, the sinful nature of my heart kicked and screamed against some of the happenings that God allowed, namely, physical injuries, personal insults, sick children, and the like. 
Even still, we have yet to reach the mountain crest again, and when we do, I've elected to look with fondness at the passing of the valley.  
I don't like the valley.
I don't like the shadows in the valley.
I don't like the idea of the valley.
I don't like the possibilities of the valley.
I don't like the presence of the valley.
It's hard in the valley.

What did we say before?
God is gracious.  That is certain.
God is faithful.  That is forever.

I highly recommend reading Charles Spurgeon's notes on Psalm 44!
They are wonderful!!

I read Psalm 44 somewhere in the middle of what I would call "a siege."  Fairly timely, as per usual for God.  What a read!
Here, we have 8 full and worshipful verses speaking to God's care, control, deliverance, power, Kingship and authority.  It's beautiful.  It's what I would say from any peak! 
It's also a surprising lead to verse 9 and following, where we get an immediate turn about - the exact opposite sentiments of the prior 8 verses.  This point of the chapter brings weightiness to my heart.  Most likely because it's this last half or so of the Psalm that I resonate with the most. 
God, where are you?
Have you forgotten me?
Have you forsaken me?
Do you love me anymore?
Is my life hidden from your sight?

Oh, friends, it's hard in the valley.  It's hard to systematically work through the bitter edges of the puzzle, trying to put pieces together that make any sense whatsoever. 
It's hard in the valley. 
As I talked with my insta-bestie, Colleen (@stirthesoul), we shared with one another the expression, "count it all joy," as it pertains to our lives currently.  We encouraged each other with this:
"It's in the valleys we become closest to God."  YES!
It's in the valleys we learn our total and utter dependence on the rightful Keeper of our faith. Amen!

How are we to have joy in the pits?
Why are we to have joy in the deep ravines?

Because, Psalm 44:1-8
Read it...rejoice in it...

O God, we have heard with our ears,
    our fathers have told us,
what deeds you performed in their days,
    in the days of old:
you with your own hand drove out the nations,
    but them you planted;
you afflicted the peoples,
    but them you set free;
for not by their own sword did they win the land,
    nor did their own arm save them,
but your right hand and your arm,
    and the light of your face,
    for you delighted in them.
You are my King, O God;
    ordain salvation for Jacob!
Through you we push down our foes;
    through your name we tread down those who rise up against us.
For not in my bow do I trust,
    nor can my sword save me.
But you have saved us from our foes
    and have put to shame those who hate us.
In God we have boasted continually,
    and we will give thanks to your name forever.  Selah

I went ahead and created an insert for my "loved" Bible, so that someone else may see and read for herself:
God is gracious and faithful!
As life transitions, changes, falls where it may, there can be dark periods wherein we MUST persist!  The way we do this with anticipation, joy and hope, is by praising God through His immutable characteristics!  There are many, but what did we say before?
God is gracious.  That is certain!
God is faithful.  That is forever!
Moving through valleys brings a clearer view of our powerlessness compared to an all-powerful God!
It brings us to a humbled place before our Sovereign Lord.
It moves us to a contriteness before our merciful Savior.

Not convinced?
Re-read verses 1-8 again. 
The psalmist writes of a history.  A history of his people.  His fathers.  His ancestors who knew and saw the glory of God.  It's a record.  A remembering.  A recalling of facts of Almighty God.

We do not need to be on the mountaintop to see that God is gracious.  That is certain!  His present touch and handle on your life and mine is as close in proximity as when we're walking tippy top, sunshine warming our face!
We do not need to fear the valley; God is faithful.  That is forever!  His never-changing person brings a hope in who He has been from the beginning of time. 

I like the precious moments He sends to reassure me: I am His. 
The other night, during youth group worship we sang the song, "Do it again," by Elevation Worship.  I listened to every lyric, attempting to capture each one in my heart and feed it to my soul. 
Good stuff.
Stuff that helps bring a soul up to worship; lift it up to song and praise.
I've seen You move!  You move the mountains! 
And I believe I'll see You do it again!
The refrain, "but you have never failed me yet," holds dear to me, and as I await the next peak of sunshine, I want to remember: "great is Your faithfulness, Your faithfulness!  Your promise still stands, THIS IS MY CONFIDENCE, YOU'VE NEVER FAILED ME YET." 

In this low, I am high with confidence in a God that never fails. 
In this ache, I am healed with confidence in a God that never fails.
In this darkness, I am guided with confidence in a God that never fails.
Not. Ever.

Much love,

IG: @mercies_journaled

Thanks for reading, friends!  I encourage you to dive into Psalm 44 today and read of God's character.

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Lord Alone Exalted

The pride of man will be humbled and the loftiness of men will be abased;
 and the Lord alone will be exalted in that day. Isaiah 2:17

Hi Friends!

Today I'm in Isaiah 2. This chapter begins by speaking of the coming restoration of Jerusalem. Then it speaks of a time of judgment. This is when humanity will be judged and found wanting. Only God will be exalted.

Right now, our world is full of pride. Pride has always been one of the roots of sin. When Lucifer rose up against God, it was because of pride. Isaiah 14:12-15, "How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, you who weakened the nations! For you have said in your heart: 'I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation on the farthest sides of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High'. Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol, to the lowest depths of the pit."

He was pretty full of himself. And  we can be pretty full of ourselves. But he wasn't successful, of course. God through him and his followers out of heaven. And we- the human race- will be humbled as well. We can't match God. We may think we're "all that," but compared to and without God, we are nothing.

As believers, hopefully, we are exalting God through our words and actions every day. But one day, EVERY knee will bow to Him. I'm looking forward to that day!

Page Details:
I used the following Sweet 'n Sassy Stamps sets: Succulents, Classy Script Alpha, and Chunky Alpha. I also used a circular gel plate to apply the acrylic paints. I just recently bought gel plates and they are available at SNSS!! They are such a fun way to apply acrylics! The plate is flexible silicone. You just brayer paint onto it and then apply to the page. I'm looking forward to learning more ways to use them too. I outlined the center circle with a Micron pen.

Have a blessed week! May He alone be exalted! Andrea

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Complete Love...

Hi friends,

When I read the Bible I am frequently challenged by the connection made between love and obedience, between faith and deeds. Love is not simply a feeling and faith is not simply a decision to believe in something. Love and faith are active words - they require a lived-out response.

1 John 2:3-6 is particularly challenging!

We know that we have come to know him if we keep his commands. Whoever says, “I know him,” but does not do what he commands is a liar, and the truth is not in that person. But if anyone obeys his word, love for God is truly made complete in them. This is how we know we are in him: Whoever claims to live in him must live as Jesus did.

When we obey God, we are demonstrating our love for him. That is how love is made complete in us. 

It is easy when we read verses like this to feel guilt and condemnation because we all fall short of complete obedience. But the aim of these verses is not to heap condemnation on us but to encourage us to live out our love for God by following Jesus' example of obedience. That is a decision that we can make in every moment of the day, whether facing big challenges and trials or a million tiny moments where we can choose to obey God's word or do it our own way. Every time we choose obedience, God's love is being made complete in us, which is pretty amazing!

I created the background for this page by applying a few layers of gesso, then when dry I applied Distress Oxide inks using an oval makeup brush then splattered with water. I stamped the verse using a combination of the new set Fall in Love with Jesus as well as two alpha sets: Happy Alpha and Mini Grunge Type Alpha.

I pray that God's love may be completed in each one of us as we read and obey his word, seeking to follow in Jesus' footsteps.

Be blessed...

x Amy x

Monday, October 21, 2019

Grateful Heart Journaling Cards

Fall is in full swing here in the middle of the Mitten (aka Michigan 😉). The mornings are crisp and cool, and the leaves are turning all sorts of beautiful colors. Fall is my favorite season - I love the beautiful colors, the pumpkins, the apple cider, and especially the caramel apples. Yum!! 

The changing seasons reminds me of life's ever-changing seasons. Life never stays the same, it's always changing. But you know what never changes? God's love for YOU. He has said He will never leave you nor forsake you, and He is a God who keeps His promises. Fall is the perfect time to reflect on God's love for you with an open and grateful heart. 

If you've spent any amount of time on the Creative Worship blog or Facebook group, you've seen the wonderful journaling cards made by our very own Deirdre (@merciesjournaled). (You should totally check out her YouTube channel!) After returning from our CW Retreat this past week, I decided to make some journaling cards with the new Grateful Heart stamp set. I'm so thankful for all God has done and continues to do in my life, and I'm especially thankful for the new friendships I've gained because of this Bible Journaling Community. ♡

These cards are so fun and easy to make! I started with a blank piece of 9"x12" watercolor paper (simple cardstock works well too). I then splashed a couple different "autumn-ish" colored watercolors all over the page. There is no rhyme or reason to this madness, it really is just dabbing watercolor randomly all over the page. You can let dry, then do another layer of random color. I then splattered the page with some more autumnal colors. Once you have a good base color pattern, it's time to cut your journaling cards. I cut the sheet longways down the middle so I had two 4.5" sides. I then cut them into 3" cards. A 9"x12" sheet will give you eight 4.5"x3" cards. The perfect size!

I then stamped my images with my handy new MISTI Stamping Tool. This tool stamps images so quickly and cleanly, it only took me a couple minutes to stamp my cards. I just LOVE it!! 😍

These little cards are perfect to stick in your kiddo's lunchbox, give to a teacher to brighten her day, stick in an envelope with a card, or tape in your Bible as a little reminder for you. The possibilities are endless! Here is an example of a journaling card in my Bible. I wrote a short prayer on the back of this card, then paperclipped in my Bible. 💕 

I encourage you to take 20 minutes and create your own set of journaling cards, then hand them out to people who cross your path this week. Share a little bit of God's light and be a blessing to someone this week. 😉

Lots of love, 

I used the Grateful Heart and Fall in Love with Jesus stamp sets in creating my journaling cards. The Grateful Heart stamp set is the Stamp of the Month from Sweet 'n Sassy Stamps and is FREE with a $75 order. 😍


Thursday, October 17, 2019

A Love Without End...

Lamentations 3:22-23
"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
his mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness."

Hey everyone! Stephanie here and today I am sharing with you a page I created and taught at the Fall in Love With Jesus Creative Worship Retreat a few weeks ago! I lead a workshop about how to journal using a hymnal. Hymnals are a fun change up to bible journaling, and for me they can add a very personal and morale touch to your page. In this particular workshop I thought we would do something a little different and we cut out fall leaf shapes from the hymnal pages and used them as a focal piece in our bibles!

The theme behind our retreat this season was "falling in love with Jesus". So I chose to highlight the verse in Lamentations 3:22-23, "The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness." How great is it that we have a father that loves us unconditionally?!? A God that loves us so much that nothing we could possibly do would keep him from loving us? That's a BIG love right there. 

In comparison, think about how much we love our children. Endlessly right? Well God loves us and them EVEN MORE than that! That's almost hard to wrap your mind around. His love has no beginning and no end. No matter how much we mess up; how many times we sin, if we attend church every Sunday or not, if we volunteer all of our free time to feed the less fortunate, or if we're a little more selfish with out time. No matter where you find yourself in those examples, God love us just the same. He does not keep a ledger of all the good deeds we've done, totaling them all up and then giving us a grade before walking up to the gates of heaven. No! He just wants to know that we believe he is our savior that died for our sins. 

So while working on this page and thinking about this verse, the classic George Strait song "A Love Without End, Amen" popped into my head. I have always loved that song as a kid and I still do! This song talks about the various things that happen to a boy growing up and he learns that no matter what, his father always loves him, and in the end he hears those words from God. That exact thing applies to our Heavenly Father and his love for us.....

🎵George Strait 🎵
Last night I dreamed I died and stood outside those pearly dates,
When suddenly I realized there must be some mistake.
If they know half the things I've done, they'll never let me in,
Then somewhere from the other side, I heard those words again...

And they said

Let me tell you a secret about a fathers love, 
A secret that my daddy said was just between us.
He said Daddies don't just love their children every now and then,
It's a love without end, amen.
It's a love without end, amen.

Stephanie Gammon

Mini Grunge Type Alpha 

Fall in Love with Jesus 

Teeny Alpha 

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

My God, That is Who You Are!

"And when your children ask you, ‘What does this ceremony mean to you?’ then tell them, ‘It is the Passover sacrifice to the Lord, who passed over the houses of the Israelites in Egypt and spared our homes when he struck down the Egyptians.’” Then the people bowed down and worshiped."  
Ex. 12:26-27

It's Deeds with another devotional and Bible Journaling page!  This one is such a fun one to me.  A LOT of stamping; a LOT of ink; a LOT of color; a LOT of fun!
Before I start, let me just say that this is a different sort of process for me.  There wasn't the usual background smooshing I do.  There are no ornate flowers or shapes.  It's pretty simple, actually, and one of my favorite pages I've ever done.  Mostly because the page represents something amazing!  God recently used a song to help me - urge me - to become more aware of His presence and work.  After this song was introduced to me (and my church), the Lord also led me to a Bible study of Exodus 12.  

This precious section of scripture put all the words of the song mentioned into plain and solid doctrine that could find lodging in my weary heart. 
We can be weary of so many things, in so many ways.  You don't have to be going through a huge ordeal to be weary.  You don't have to be suffering in sickness or want to be weary.  Sometimes just the constant badgering of our enemy to believe age-old lies about you, and about God, can be overwhelming and especially taxing spiritually.

Following a couple Sundays of "Way Maker," and then this sweet portion of God's Word, my heart finds itself refreshed and ready to take on the day - and MORE! 
With a reminder of the Gospel of grace comes healing, repenting, restoration, revival, strength and power!  Truths in scripture lend so much perspective, insight, and truth!
1.  God is God.
2.  I am His.

Everything that follows those two amazing statements is bonus; everything that comes out of God being God, and my being His, is a supernatural outflow through the Holy Spirit. 
Because I am His, I am safe.
Because I am His, I do not want.
Because God is God, there is truth.
Because God is God, there is a way.
Because God is God, I know my own sinfulness.
Because I am His, I also know forgiveness.

There's more.  A bunch more, and all we ever need "for life and godliness," is in the pages of God's breathed-out message of a future and a hope. 

The lyrics to the song I'm referring to, go like this:
You are here
Moving in our midst
I worship you
I worship you
You are here
Working in this place
I worship you
I worship you
You are here
Moving in our midst
I worship you
I worship you
You are here
Working in this place
I worship you
I worship you
Way maker
Miracle worker
Promise keeper
Light in the darkness
My God
That is who you are
Way maker
Miracle worker
Promise keeper
Light in the darkness
My God
That is who you are
You are here
Touching every heart
I worship you
I worship you
You are here
Healing every heart
I worship you
I worship you
You are here
Turning lives around
I worship you
I worship you
You are here
Mending every heart
I worship you
I worship you

I stamped out the titles of God mentioned in this song, relating them to the deliverance of Israel from Egypt and the misery of bondage, but also to the deliverance of all people post-crucifixion and our misery in bondage!

For the Israelites:
God made a way through through the very front door of Egypt, through the chasm of separated waters in the Red Sea, to a place of freedom and worship!
God performed mighty miracles of help and solace when they began to hunger, thirst, and misplace their trust.

God made good on His promise for a future of life and prosperity under His guidance for a people who would make Him their Lord. 
God was Light in the darkness multiple times, allowing His glory to be shown to a small degree that they may see His care and provision.

For us today:
Jesus IS the Way, and beckons us to find Him, the narrow entrance to His kingdom.

Jesus IS the Miracle of hope and healing for every "weary" soul, to the glory of Almighty God!
Jesus IS the fulfillment of God's promise, and He continues to shine God's faithfulness to ALL generations.
Jesus IS the Light in our world, giving us light in a very dark place.

Yes, there is more.  Much more. 
The Bible says, however, that not every single wonder Jesus has done could be completely recorded for there is not enough space to pen them!  But we know from scripture that we CAN understand this:
He is the Way-maker,
Miracle Worker,
Promise Keeper,
Light in the Darkness.
My God, that is WHO YOU ARE!

Much love this Tuesday,

Monday, October 14, 2019

Grateful Heart, Happy Heart

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever. 
1 Chronicles 16:34

Hi Friends!

My heart is full. A week ago, I had just returned from the Creative Worship retreat in Georgia. I actually journaled this page at the retreat. It was such a sweet time worshiping Jesus and meeting, visiting with, and learning from ladies that I had before now only known through social media. I am so thankful God gave me the opportunity to attend the retreat. To be honest, even in my excitement to go, I was a little apprehensive. But, as our verse says, God is good. He knows what we need. And He grows us in our discomfort. Thanks You, Lord! And being thankful can help us with anxiety. By remembering what God has already done in our lives, it can help us be less anxious.

The Bible tells us over and over to be thankful. When we are thankful, it also helps us to be more content and at peace. A grateful heart truly does make a happy heart because when we are focusing on what we are thankful for, we don't have time to think about what we don't have. In the abundance that is the United States of America, it can be easy to take things for granted. But, we need to be thankful for the small as well as the large. I did a Bible study once that focused on thankfulness and one of the things we did was to write down at least 3 things each day we were thankful for. It opened my eyes to lots of things that I had been taking for granted... running stores full of all types of food...the happy squeals of my bookshelf that has numerous Bibles on it. So many things to be thankful for!

Giving thanks glorifies God. It is a form of worship. So, what do you have to be thankful for? Think about it, you probably have more to be grateful for than you realize. And then, thank Him, and thank Him again!

 Page Details: I used the October Stamp of the Month from Sweet 'n Sassy Stamps. It's called Grateful Heart. And, it's free with a $75 purchase in October! See the website for details. I started by using watercolor crayons for the background. Then I used a stencil and acrylic paint to do the dots. Stencils are a great option to add accents to pages!

Wishing you a week full of thankfulness! Andrea

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Do not grow weary...

Hi friends,

Do you ever feel so overwhelmed by the size of a problem that you feel paralysed and useless? Do you freeze and wonder if it's worth doing anything because you can't see it making a difference?

I know I do! Whether it's poverty, climate change, division in the church or even trying to overcome personal weaknesses and sin, it can feel overwhelming and we can be tempted to quit. This feeling is not a new one for Christians, as we can see in Scripture. In 2 Thessalonians 3:13 Paul writes to the church exhorting them not to grow weary as they were doing good (he also writes the same encouragement to the Galatians).

It might not look like we're making much of a difference, but even our small acts of doing good - whether giving to the poor, making ethical shopping choices, choosing to listen with generosity rather than react with opinion, or saying 'no' to something we are tempted to say 'yes' to - all of these small acts of obedience make a difference to someone and they please our Heavenly Father.

I used the lovely new Stamp of the Month, Grateful Heart, on this page, stamping the images on watercolour card then watercolouring and cutting them out. The verse was stamped with a combination of alpha sets: Outline Alpha and School Days Alpha. I had already done some written journaling on this page back when I was using this Bible as a devotional reading Bible, so I decided to stamp around this so it is still visible. Here are the sets I used:


Let's not grow weary in doing the good that God has called us to in our own unique situations and circumstances. It makes a difference to others and it blesses God.

Be blessed...

x Amy x

Monday, October 7, 2019

"Fall"ing in Love with Jesus

I'm a little late with my blog post today because I got back late last night from the Creative Worship Retreat in Savannah, Georgia, and WOW! I had the most amazing time with my fellow Bible Journalers and sisters in Christ!! We talked, we laughed, we journaled we prayed, we sang, we ate some good ol' southern cooking 😏 and we just generally had an amazing time!

Our theme for the retreat was "Fall in Love with Jesus" and, let me tell you, my heart is so full and overflowing with love for my Lord and for this community I just had to journal this verse in Matthew 22 with the new Fall in Love with Jesus stamp set from Sweet 'n Sassy Stamps. 

"And he said unto him, 'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment.'"
Matthew 22:37-38

Loving God is the most important thing we can do as a Christian. Loving God with everything in us means that we will want to know Him, we will want to read His Word, we will want to spend time with Him, we will want to be more like Him. Loving God with your whole heart changes you from the inside out, and gives you the ability to love others the way Jesus did. That's why Jesus said that all of the laws hang on these two commandments: to love God with your whole being, and then to love others. 

I created this page using stamps and watercolors. I stamped the image similar to our Retreat theme t-shirts and messy watercolored the leaves, then I splattered my fall watercolors all over the page. I do love Michigan fall colors!! 😉

I hope you all are encouraged this week to love Jesus with your heart, mind, and soul. 💕

May you have a blessed week in Christ, 


**Be sure to check out this month's new releases! You are going to want to journal all the pages about loving Jesus!! 😊


Thursday, October 3, 2019

Just Keep Blooming

Jeremiah 17:7-8
"But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, 
who's confidence is in him.
They will be like a tree planted by the water 
that sends out its roots by the stream.
It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green.
It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit."

Hello everyone and Happy October!! I don't think I've met anyone who doesn't love the month of October. Sadly for us here on the east coast, it feels more like August outside with this heat wave that won't let up! It feels like its been forever since its rained too! My plants have yellowing leaves that aren't suppose to yellow; and the grass is getting super crispy. But lucky for us, relief is coming soon!!

Much like the weather, we too have dry seasons in our lives don't we?! You might not like to admit it, but at some point I believe we all go through them. In my opinion, there are 3 reasons we go through these dry seasons.

1. We have disobeyed God

God loves us and he does all things for our good. But we all have times where we haven't "listened" to his guidance or his word and disobeyed him. If you know of a way you have sinned recently, ask for forgiveness from Him, and it shall be given to you.

2. We don't receive enough of God's word 

Put simply, you aren't reading your bible, not going to church, not praying often, or maybe all of the above! If you are not actively seeking God, being nourished and filled up by his word, then you can't possibly be building on a relationship with him. Just like our relationships with friends and family, you have to call and check in and catch up on each other every so often. Our relationships with God are the same way!! Seek him and his word and you will begin to feel "watered" and nourished again.

3. We are in a time of transition

Some dry seasons happen when we need to move from one point to another in our walk with God. You may feel sometimes that even though you are spending time with the Lord through bible study and time at church, you are still longing for something else. You're not feeling "satisfied" and filled up through what you are currently doing. If this happens, it's time to consider that maybe God is telling you that you need a change. A change in your routine can help you grow in your walk too. Change is never easy, but the resistance you feel through change can help you grow in ways you never thought possible. 

This time of transition can also be a waiting period. Have you been praying fervently for something? Waiting is not easy, especially if you've been waiting a long time. But during this time, trust that God is pruning you. He's clipping away at what is not needed for the next season. He's preparing you for what comes next. 

No matter where you find yourself in this dry season of your life, remember to not lose faith!  It will not stay this way forever! Just like summer changes to fall, this season will change too. Just keep the faith, keep praying, keep praising God for all the good that he does.

The rain is coming! 
Just Keep Blooming!

Stephanie Gammon

*** This page features a SNEEK PEEK of a set from our October release which is not until next week! So I can't link it for you here. But if you do visit our website, please use my affiliate link HERE! Thank you so much! :) 

Bitty Minnie Alpha 

All in All